Choose your level of immersion in the Bridgerton experience!
*Bridgerton-Themed Attire is Required*

gentry experience
Event begins at 7:00 p.m.
Regency era experience
360 Picture Booth
Red carpet with photographers
Light but delightful fare
Champagne toast to the Queen
Cash bar
String Quartet
Ballroom dance exhibition (Followed by dancing by all)
Hip-Hop Violinist
Promenade with the queen through the museum
Silent auction
Videos and photos posted on social media
Tea Service ($125 extra charge)
Photo Op in a horse drawn carriage *(Extra charge/Free for VIP)
aristocrat experience
In addition to amenities listed for the Gentry, Aristocrats will receive the following additional extravagances:
Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m.
Plated dinner (choice of beef, chicken, or vegan entrée with two sides – selections made when tickets are ordered) served in the secluded VIP room with private and exclusive wait staff attired in black garments, adorned with white gloves and powdered wigs.
Private cash bar
Access to Queen Charlotte’s court with special photo opportunities
Souvenir copy of Lady W’s Social Papers, filled with the latest and juiciest society news

the noble experience
For the Lords and Ladies, an elevated tier, pray indulge in all of the proceeding plus the following:
Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m.
Obtain the prestigious Noble designation as a Lord or Lady.
Be formally announced upon your arrival, setting the stage for your grand entrance.
Have a custom Coat of Arms created.
Find your esteemed self included in the event edition of Lady W’s Social Papers.
Revel in complimentary ale and wine, served in chalices and mugs.
Plated dinner (choice of beef, chicken, or vegan entrée with two sides served in the secluded VIP room with private and exclusive wait staff attired in black garments, adorned with white gloves and powdered wigs.
Private cash bar
Access to Queen Charlotte’s court with special photo opportunities
Souvenir copy of Lady W’s Social Papers, filled with the latest and juiciest society news
Tea Service ($250 extra charge)


the queen’s seating area is fancy and is on an elevated platform in a
private area of the venue.
fresh flowers, royal table settings and elite wait staff.
queen's guards dressed in period uniforms.
queen's honored guests
In addition to amenities listed for the Gentry, Aristocrats, and Nobles the Queen's table will receive the following additional extravagances:
Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m.
Seating at Queen’s table on an elevated platform that’s decorated.
Served with the Queen.
Bottle service on these tables with custom Bridgerton label wine.
Hard copy invitation as a keepsake
Complimentary Valet Parking